101 Awesome Calico Cat Names & Meanings
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Contrary to popular belief, the calico is not a breed of cat but rather a reference to their unique coloring, a combination of white and tortoiseshell. Like tortoiseshells, calico cats are almost always female, hence the absence of male names on this list.
You may want to start here :
- JALAPENO – For the hot kitty
- CALLIE – Short for calico
- REMBRANDT – A work of art
- SUGARBAKER – Perfect for a sweet kitty
- UNICORN – For a rare male calico
- MANEKI – Named for the Japanese lucky cat
Calico Kitten Names

- AMBER – Perfect for your Calico cat with an orange-gold colored coat
- ANNIKA – A pet diminutive form of the name Anna for your graceful cat
- ARUBA – An Arabic name for a happy and joyous cat
- AUTUMN – A perfect name for your Calico cat with a combination of fall colors including black,
white and orange - BLAZE – Unique name for your tortoiseshell cat with a color separation running from the
forehead to the nostril or one with a marbled coat - BLYTHE – For the carefree, lively cat who loves to play
- CALISTA – Cute name for your extremely beautiful Calico pet
- CALLIE-MAE – For your beautiful cat who was born in May
- CAMILLE – A great name for your cat whose character is admirable or one with royalty blood
- CATRINA– Name your cat after the famous American author Edgar Allan Poe’s tortoiseshell cat
- CLEMENTINE – For your merciful cat with a cute orange coat
- COLUMBIA – For a cat who loves to explore like Christopher Columbus who discovered Americas
- CYBIL – One who reminds you of a prophetess or a fortune teller
- DANIELLE – Wonderful name for a cat who is a loyal friend
- DARLA – A pet name for the word darling and perfect for a cat you love dearly
- DISCO – One with a gorgeous grey coat like the silver disco balls
- ELSA – Named after the notably larger than life leading female character in Frozen
- EUGENIE – For a cat who has a noble family history
- FELICITY – For your happy and lucky Calico cat
- FREELANCE – A unique name for your loyal, brave cat, derived from the word free-lance who
were loyal French soldiers who would offer their weapons and skills for hire - GARNET – Perfect for a Calico cat whose coat has shades of red
- GINGER – Great name for your cat with patches of orange or ginger
- GUESS – A wonderful name for your cat who keeps you on toes
- HALLEY – For the mischievous cat with a multicolored coat
- HARMONY – Great for a peaceful cat
- HENNA – Unique name for a Calico cat with beautiful orange patches
- HONEY – Beautiful name for a sweet kitty with hazel fur
- IRMA – For a lovely, strong and independent kitty
- JEWEL –Ideal for a precious pet with gemstone-colored fur
Cute Calico Cat Names

- JINX – For an orange furred cat named after Mr. Jinx from the cartoon Pixie and Dixie
- JULIETTE – For your youthful soft-haired cat
- KELLY – Perfect for an intelligent tabby cat
- KENZA – Unique name for a cat you treasure
- KIA – A pet name for the name Katharine and ideal for a clean and pure cat
- KLUTE – For an exceptionally graceful kitty
- LILO – Hawaiian for your generous friend
- LULLABY – For a calm tabby cat
- MARDI – For your Calico cat who was born on Tuesday
- MAYA – Beautiful name for your cat with a silver coat who isn’t afraid of the water
- MILLIE – A variant of the name Amelia which is fit for an industrious kitty
- MISSY ELLIOTT – For a young kitty who has a powerful presence like Missy Elliott the famous
singer - MONTEGO – For your physically fit cat with a large body
- NERINA – Greek for the bright one and ideal for a cat that brightens up your day
- ODESSA – Perfect for a cat who loves adventure
- PASHA – Unique Russian name meaning small perfect for your minute kitty
- PRIZZI – Great name for your cat who is protective
- QUATRO –If you are a lover of rock music, you can name your kitty after the famous American
rock star Susan Kay Quatro - RITA HAYWARD – Another lovely name for your cat after the famous movie star Rita Hayworth
who starred in the 1968 crime film The Cats - ROSA – For a cat who is a beauty to behold
- ROZ – Call her Roz rather than Rose meaning a beautiful flower
- SHIRLEY –Perfect for your cat who is always fresh and bright
- STRUDEL –Great name for a sweet cat named after the Australian sweet layered pastry
- SUNSET – For a bright and outgoing cat who cheers you up
- TESS – A pet name for Theresa from the Greek word theros meaning summer
- VENUS – For a loving cat named after the Roman goddess of love
- ANNABELLE – Lovely name for a graceful, beautiful cat
- ARABELLA – Meaning beautiful lion in Spanish
- ASTRA – Greek for a star and perfect for your pet who lights up your life like a star
- AVALON – Elegant name meaning island of paradise believed to be the resting place of King
Arthur - BLINX – Name her after the anthropomorphic cat in the 4D Action Game Blinx
- CAGNEY – Unique Irish name meaning tribute
- CALLIE – A fun name for Calico
- CALYPSO – If Callie sounds too plain, go with Calypso
Unusual & Unique Calico Cat Names

- CARLY – Another creative name for a calico cat who is a free spirit
- CHRISTINE – Great name for your beautiful and outgoing cat
- CLOE – For a young cat who is loyal and has a loving personality
- COOKIE – For a cat who is cute and sweet like a cookie
- DALI – Perfect name for an extraordinarily beautiful cat
- DARBY – A unique and beautiful name for a generous kitty
- DESTINY – Lovely name for a cat who is your favorite pet
- DORI – Perfect for a cat who was given to you as a gift
- ERIKA – Ideal name for a cat who loves to be in control
- FARRAH – A lovely sounding name for a cat who is always happy
- FLOSSIE – Name her after the Roman goodness of flowers
- FRIDA – For a beautiful cat who loves you dearly
- GINA – Italian for Queen
- GRACIE –Ideal for a cat who is kind and loving towards others
- GWEN – For a calico cat with gorgeous white patches
- HALLIWELL – Meaning holy spring and the perfect name for a cat who is radiant and coloful like
the spring - HATHAWAY – For a cat who loves to play with soil and dirt
- HILLARY – Wonderful name for a cheerful and merry kitty
- HOPE – Ideal name for the cat who never gives up and is always hopeful
- JENNA – Arabic for heaven or God’s grace in Hebrew
- JEZEBEL – For your cat who can’t be restrained
- JUBILEE – For your kitty who is a source of joy and celebration
- KALAHARI – Unique name for your cat with red fur like the Kalahari desert
- KENDRA – Perfect for a knowledgeable cat who is also muscular
- KESSIE –For the chubby kitty
- KIKI – Lovely name for your cat who gives you a double dose of happiness
- KOBI – For a cat who replaced another pet
- LIZZY – A short beautiful version of the name Elizabeth
- MACY – For the cat who is always ready to defend you
- MAXI – For your remarkable Calico cat who is of great value to you
- MAYSIE – A lovely Scottish name meaning a child of light and perfect for your tabby cat with
white fur - MIMSIE – In Hebrew, Mimsie means bitter and you can give this name to your bitter, rebellious
cat - MONEYPENNY – Perfect name for your kitty who is a miser
- MYSTIC – For a cat with a mysterious character
- NORA – Perfect for a cat with an honorable character
- SHAMPOO – Beautiful name for a cat who loves bath time
- PAPRIKA – A beautiful name for your kitty with reddish-orange patches
Names for Black Calico Cats

- PENELOPE – For a cat who loves to play with yarn
- PUSSYFOOT – Name your cat after Pussyfoot the animated character in the famous Warner
Bros Merrier Melodies and Looney Tunes cartoons - RHEA – For your kitty who loves to play with water
- ROMY – A cute short form of the name rosemary for a cat who is as useful as the rosemary
herb - ROSALIE – Unique name that describes the beauty of your cat
- SONJA – Great name for an ambitious and practical Calico kitty
- SUNDAE – For your cat who is as sweet as ice-cream
- TAHITI – A Hawaiian name meaning rising sun
- THOMASINA – Name your cat after Thomasina, the cat with a fierce desire to live in the novel
- Thomasina: The Cat Who Thought She Was a God
- ZELDA – Perfect name for your cat who is always happy and also a blessing to you.
Calico cats have at least three colors in their fur, white, orange, and black which may help with choosing a name. Calico cats also have a reputation for being very independent, and feisty. If you need more name ideas, consider checking out out list for male cats and female cats.
These names are great!
I think pixel is a nice name for calico cat as there fur is dotted like pixels but over all I like them all